Embarking on a day trip from Medellín to Guatapé, we found ourselves on an unexpected adventure filled with surprises and breathtaking views. The goal was to see one of the largest monoliths in the world, The Rock of Guatapé.

But first our journey began with a pit stop at a quaint little rest area along the way. After perhaps one of the most beautiful drives I have ever experienced, we stopped to stretch our legs and take a bathroom break. But this was no ordinary break. We stumbled upon a hidden gem tucked in the back of the rest area — a full-fledged petting zoo. To our excitement, llamas greeted us, their curious eyes inviting us to interact. Armed with carrots, we delighted in feeding these gentle creatures, their soft noses nuzzling our hands in gratitude.

With spirits lifted by our furry friends, we continued our journey to El Peñón de Guatapé, a towering monolith that beckoned us with the promise of panoramic vistas. Undeterred by the daunting 670 steps that lay ahead, we embarked on the ascent, each step bringing us closer to the summit and the promise of unparalleled beauty. As we reached the top, the world unfolded before us in a breathtaking panorama of azure waters and verdant landscapes, a testament to the natural wonders of Colombia. El Peñón de Guatapé, also known as the Rock of Guatapé, is one of the largest monoliths in the world.

Descending from the heights of El Peñón, we made our way into the colorful streets of Guatapé, self-awarded the most colorful town in the world. Despite our weariness from the climb, we couldn’t resist the allure of this charming town, its lively atmosphere inviting us to explore further.

Yet, as fatigue began to set in, we reluctantly bid farewell to Guatapé, our hearts filled with memories of a day filled with unexpected delights and unforgettable experiences.

Until next time,